The purpose of “Celebrate Recovery” is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives
through the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principles. This experience allows us to “be changed.” We open
the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition, we become
willing to accept God’s grace in solving our lives’ problems. By applying these Biblical principles,
we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional
behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger personal
relationship with God and others. As we progress through the program we discover our personal,
loving and forgiving Higher Power - Jesus Christ.
Valley Campus
332 Hampton Road
Quispamsis, NB
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
CR Kings Church Valley
West Campus
1496 Manawagonish Rd
Saint John, NB
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
CR Kings Church West
Charlottetown Location
223 Kent Street
Charlottetown, PEI
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Realize I’m not God.
I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is
“Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor.”
Matthew 5:3
Earnestly believe that God exists.
That I matter to Him, and that He has the power to help me recover.
“Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
Matthew 5:4
Consciously choose to commit.
All my life and will to Christ’s care and control.
“Happy are the meek.”
Matthew 5:5
Openly examine and confess.
My faults to myself, to God, and to someone I trust.
“Happy are the pure in heart.”
Matthew 5:8
Voluntarily submit.
To every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask Him to remove my character defects.
“Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires .”
Matthew 5:6
Evaluate all my relationships.
Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for the harm I’ve done to others, except
when to do so would harm them or others.
“Happy are the merciful”
Matthew 5:7
“Happy are the peacemakers.”
Matthew 5:9
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen - Reinhold Niebuhr