So that all people in all places embrace the
life-saving power of King Jesus.
On Earth as in Heaven!
The following doctrinal statements are the basic truths we affirm regarding God and our relationship with Him. We’re open to change and debate on a variety of issues… these aren’t them.
We believe that—a little better than two thousand years ago—God Himself entered into His Creation. He came to us in the form of His Son, Jesus, in part to teach humanity how He intended for us to live. Ultimately, however, Jesus came to die for us, conquering the death that we all face. He then rose from the dead, defeating the power death once held over humanity. Today, as a gift of His grace, He offers the gift of life instead, which we can receive by faith through a relationship with Jesus.
Those of us who place our faith and hope in Him get to share in His victory of life forever. Furthermore, we believe that being a Christian is about following Jesus in the here-and-now. Though the tendency is to place so much attention on the afterlife that it renders the present life unimportant, nothing could be further from the truth. It is our strong conviction that Jesus came to show us how to live the life we were created to live, and that He wants His followers to experience this life each and every day.
We are convinced that Jesus is interested in each and every part of your life. This is the holistic approach to the Christian life that we pursue. We believe that this life MATTERS, and that through our actions and lifestyles, we bring glory to God, demonstrating the life of Christ to the world around us.